1. What are the rules concerning the transportation of children on a route service taxi?

2. The driver’s reaction distance is the distance covered by the vehicle:

3. Which seats on a route service bus are reserved for handicapped people?

4. Which vehicles are permitted to pass other vehicles on their right side?

5. When you use the vehicle’s horn for signaling:

6. Which of the following road signs directs traffic to an interchange leading to a Freeway ( motorwat)

Picture for question 1760

7. Define “built dividing area”:

8. When you arrive with your vehicle to the place that is illustrated in the following picture, you must:

Picture for question 142

9. You are driving vehicle no. 3 before an intersection without traffic signs. According to the rules of giving right-of-way, in what order should vehicles that arrived at the same time enter the intersection?

Picture for question 701

10. A driver approaches a pedestrian crossing marked on the road.Although ther are no pedestrians on the crossing. The driver should,

11. It is prohibited to overtake on a steep hill:

12. Which types of vehicles must operate distress lights, or place a flashing yellow lamp, if forced to stand on a non-urban road during “light time”?

13. The vehicle coming from your opposite direction (1) started to turn to his left. How would you respond?

Picture for question 904

14. After parking your car besides the pavement, on the right side of an urban road:

15. How is a driver supposed to deal with a situation in which pedestrians are crossing his driving lane on a crossing whilst he is making a right turn?

16. What is the statutory obligation to slow down which applies to drivers?

17. Is it permitted to drive under the influence of an intoxicating alcoholic drink?

18. Is a taxi driver permitted to smoke while driving?

19. Who is responsible for cleaning the interior of the bus?

20. What is the meaning of the following traffic signs?

Picture for question 622

21. Does drinking alcohol cause sleepiness?

22. Which of the following road signs does not terminate at the nearest intersection?

Picture for question 396

23. What should you do when your driving lane is obstructed?

24. Assuming that the vehicles in the following picture are functioning properly – Which traffic offence was committed according to the picture?

Picture for question 928

25. Select the correct sentence:

26. According to the law, while driving at night and in good weather conditions – what is the minimal distance that should be covered by the vehicle’s headlights?

27. What is a driver required to do when the loading of the braking system’s air tanks takes longer than a reasonable time?

28. Which road sign informs about a change in the number of road lanes?

Picture for question 504

29. After which of the following road signs is it prohibited to overtake (for a distance of about 100 meters)?

Picture for question 394

30. Can lawful roadway marking be considered as a road sign?

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