1. A driver wishing to park his vehicle downhill shall:

2. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 675

3. The manufacure date of a vehicle’s tire is:

4. Which vehicle may be used to transport school children?

5. You are approaching a tunnel with a road sign displayed in front of you and want to overtake a slow vehicle driving ahead of you:

Picture for question 751

6. The wind resistance that a driving vehicle faces affects:

7. From which lane is it permitted to perform a U-turn to the left?

8. Which sign denotes a lane for Cyclists only. Cycle in the direction of the arrow?

Picture for question 1572

9. Why is it important to drive on the right side of the road?

Picture for question 745

10. What are the permitted driving directions according to the traffic signs in the following intersection?

Picture for question 965

11. Define “bus”:

12. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 683

13. When a driver approaches a narrow bridge, he should:

14. Is it determined by the following road sign which rules for giving right-of-way should be applied?

Picture for question 425

15. What is a driver required to do after crossing a flooded road section?

16. Is it obligatory to obey the directions and signals of a policeman, even when a certain direction or signal is opposed to the traffic signs?

17. What are you required to do according to the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 594

18. Which of the vehicles displayed in the picture is not parked correctly?

Picture for question 900

19. What are we required to see in the outer side mirrors of the vehicle?

20. What is the order of actions the driver needs to take before slowing down?

21. How does the braking system of a vehicle work?

Picture for question 986

22. How would you conduct yourself according to the picture:

Picture for question 917

23. Which documents should a driver be in possession of whilst driving?

24. Under what conditions can a person be denied the right to obtain or renew his driver’s license?

25. What is the meaning of red-yellow painted curbstones?

Picture for question 609

26. What is the meaning of this traffic sign?

Picture for question 1022

27. Where in a vehicle should a fire extinguisher be placed?

28. Is a taxi without passengers permitted to enter a road on which the following road sign is placed?

Picture for question 1260

29. In the following picture:

Picture for question 721

30. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 690
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