1. What should you do when facing a structure, post or closed area, while driving on a two-way road?

2. What are you required to do when the brake-check lamp lights up while driving?

3. Is a vehicle driver allowed to exceed the speed limit while overtaking?

4. Which class of license is required for driving a commercial motor vehicle with an all up weight of less than 12,000 kg?

5. When a white unbroken separation line is marked on the roadway, is it permitted to overtake a vehicle that is lawfully driving on the road’s “hard shoulders”?

6. What is the correct sentence?

7. What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

Picture for question 457

8. How should the driver of the silver vehicle respond, when the driver of the dark vehicle wants to park his vehicle in reverse between two vehicles next to the sidewalk?

Picture for question 889

9. According to the picture, how are you required to conduct yourself when driving on the roadway?

Picture for question 938

10. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 577

11. Where would you stand your vehicle after being required to pull onto the “hard shoulder”?

Picture for question 834

12. What is the advantage of driving on the right side of the road?

13. When are you permitted to pass another vehicle on its right side?

14. You arrived to an intersection that is not clear:(free)

15. What is the advantage of driving at a low speed during dangerous situations?

16. What is the general freight height (from the ground) which requires a permit from a police officer?

17. What warning measures are installed in the driver’s compartment of a vehicle with a pneumatic braking system (air pressure)?

18. When is a driver of a motor vehicle required to dip the vehicle’s lights?

19. A driver wishing to park his vehicle downhill shall:

20. How many vehicles is it permitted to tow by a commercial vehicle with an all up weight exceeding 2,200 kg?

21. What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

Picture for question 496

22. What is the maximum freight height (from the road’s surface) that may be carried by a commercial vehicle with an all up weight of up to 8,000kg?

23. What does the law state regarding the placing or leaving of objects on a road?

24. How are you required to conduct yourself in the following road section?

Picture for question 947

25. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 468

26. What is the meaning of the term “driving at a reasonable speed”?

27. It is prohibited to overtake on a steep hill:

28. The reaction distance is the distance covered by the vehicle:

29. What risk is a rigid vehicle with trailer or a semi-trailer truck expected to face while driving on a slippery roadway?

30. How would you conduct yourself according to the picture?

Picture for question 905
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