1. What effective solution for tiredness is available to the driver?

2. Under what conditions will the Licensing Authority approve change of ownership of a vehicle?

3. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 519

4. How can you avoid frontal collision while driving on a narrow and winding mountain road?

Picture for question 842

5. When a “stop” sign is placed before a level crossing, the driver should:

6. Who is permitted to summon a vehicle to undergo a technical examination?

7. What should you do when your driving lane is blocked by the double-parked silver vehicle (marked with a circle)?

Picture for question 880

8. The following illustration shows an intersection with traffic signs. What is the correct manner of making a turn from street A to street C?

Picture for question 113

9. How are you required to conduct yourself according to the occurrence depicted in the picture?

Picture for question 914

10. When is a driver of a motor vehicle required to dip the vehicle’s lights?

11. Is it permitted to drive a vehicle when its front field of vision is restricted?

12. Which traffic sign marks the final warning before a level crossing?

Picture for question 372

13. When a vehicle is disqualified from use on the road:

14. When is it permitted to overtake another vehicle?

15. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 533

16. In the following picture – where is it forbidden to stop or park a vehicle?

Picture for question 207

17. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 598

18. What is the risk in braking while being forced to pull onto the “hard shoulder”?

19. Is it permitted to drive a vehicle (other then an electric vehicle) on the sidewalk?

20. From the answers before you, where especially should a driver slow down?

21. When are you required to turn on the direction indicators and signal?

22. How will a dirty front lamp influence night driving?

23. When is it permitted to perform an emergency stop?

24. According to the following picture, is it permitted to deviate to the opposite lane?

Picture for question 882

25. You are driving in vehicle no. 3. To which of the following vehicles are you required to give right-of-way?

Picture for question 697

26. The following road sign remains valid until:

Picture for question 524

27. What should a driver of an overtaken vehicle do?

28. Is it permitted for vehicle drivers to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

29. What is the meaning of alternating blue colored curbstones?

Picture for question 657

30. Define “stop line”:

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